Fire Stopping & Compartmentation

What is it?

Essential for safeguarding both property and individuals, passive fire stopping plays a vital role. Our goal is to contain fire and its byproducts—such as flames, smoke, and harmful gases—at their source.

We offer a diverse array of passive fire stopping solutions designed to effectively seal penetrations, openings, and apertures within a building’s fire compartments.

Without adequate precautions, a fire can swiftly propagate through your structure, endangering numerous lives. That’s why our comprehensive range of passive fire stopping services includes the use of fire-resistant sealants, wraps, and collars, each tailored to suit specific building requirements. These solutions are engineered to maintain the integrity of fire-rated walls, floors, and ceilings, ensuring that fire and smoke are confined to their origin, thereby preventing them from spreading to other areas of the building.

Our team of highly skilled professionals is equipped with the expertise to assess, recommend, and implement the most effective passive fire stopping measures.

Without adequate precautions, a fire can swiftly propagate through your structure, endangering numerous lives.

Digital Survey

Compartmentation Survey

A passive fire stopping survey will identify any areas within your property’s compartmentation that may not meet the necessary fire safety standards. This thorough assessment ensures that fire and smoke are contained within designated areas, reducing the risk of them spreading throughout the building. By pinpointing weaknesses in fire barriers, such as walls, floors, and ceilings, the survey helps you take proactive measures to enhance safety.

The survey findings are presented in a detailed report that features photographs and clearly marked locations on the building plans. The report highlights a full list of recommendations to bring the compartmentation back into compliance. The key areas we take into consideration include construction linear joints, apertures and penetrations, cavity barriers, service openings and combustible pipes and cables.

Remedial Works

Upon presenting you with a full report, we will talk you through the remedial works to be carried out and how we can install various systems to offer protection against fire and smoke, as well as ensuring all seals are airtight. We aim to ensure the structural integrity of building compartments which hold offices, servers, utilities etc are fire resistant. All firestopping products used are tested to ensure they offer the best protection.

To book an appointment, or to find out more, get in touch!

ISO 9001
Cyber Essentials
IFC Group